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LadyMarissa's avatar

Did you hear that Sally Kellerman died?

Asked by LadyMarissa (16136points) February 27th, 2022

According to this news report Sally Kellerman passed away on Feb 24, 2022, due to heart failure at the age of 84. This is supposed to be a “confirmed” report.

I never knew that she had been a singer who had her own albums. I do remember her singing a few times while performing but hadn’t realized that it was really her voice. What are your memories of Sally?

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8 Answers

filmfann's avatar

Her appearances on Star Trek and In Back To School were notable. I recently saw her in Reform School Girls, where she had a bit part.
Of course her big role was as Hot Lips Hoolihan in M*A*S*H. That was kind of a bit part too, since we got to see her bits.

rebbel's avatar

I’ve only seen the M.A.S.H. series, and I didn’t recognise other stuff she’d played in.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Same here too only knew of her in MASH Tv series.
She was a very talented and I loved her acting in MASH a sort of feminist in her own time.
The character that she played showed women to stand up for themselves.

Rest in Peace Sally Kellerman

SEKA's avatar

I think she was in the movie M*A*S*H that was a precursor to the TV series M*A*S*H where Hot Lips was played by Loretta Switt. Both did excellent jobs playing a strong woman who could take care of herself

I have never seen any of her other movies that I can remember, but @filmfann seems to have recommended several that I will be checking out in her honor

LadyMarissa's avatar

@rebbel She wasn’t in the TV series, she was in the original 1970 movie from which the series was based. When you have the opportunity, you might want to watch the movie.

@SEKA is right, @filmfann does have good taste in her movies and they are well worth the watch!!!

rebbel's avatar

@LadyMarissa Yeah, that’s what I meant with I’ve only seen the series.
I have not seen the movie in which she starred.

LadyMarissa's avatar

@rebbel With your sense of humor, I think you might enjoy it. IF not, that’s why remotes have STOP buttons!!! :]

cookieman's avatar

I did sadly. The original Hot Lips Hoolihan. Rest In Peace.

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